Several years ago, I went shopping for a new refrigerator. The one I wanted was on sale at the time, but I was able to reduce the price by another $96, which was roughly the equivalent of an additional 5% off the already discounted price. This was on top of an existing offer to deliver the new refrigerator for free and remove my old one at no charge. The reason I’m telling you about this is there are discounts available on all kinds of purchases that can easily be added on top of any coupon or sale at stores like Best Buy, Home Depot, Target, Lululemon, PetSmart and clothing retailers like Old Navy, J. Crew, and many more.

The secret to these savings is purchasing gift cards from reputable sites that are selling them at a discount. Back when I made that refrigerator purchase, I used a site called Plastic Jungle. That site no longer sells discounted gift cards, but a another site called Card Cash does. Card Cash has hundreds of gift cards available, discounted from 2.5% off the face value to more than 50% in some cases.

Why are the gift cards discounted?

Card Cash is a marketplace for people who have gift cards they don’t want who can sell them to people like me who are willing to buy them at a discount. If you’ve ever gotten a gift card you just didn’t want, this is a good option for getting some of the value out of that gift card and putting it in the hands of someone who will use it.

What kind of discounted gift cards are available?

Literally anything you can imagine, from an oil change for your car, to the MLB and NBA apparel stores, to restaurants, to entertainment like Top Golf and movie theaters. Restaurant gift cards seem to offer the biggest discounts. Popular commodities like Starbucks coffee and Shell gas have pretty small discounts, but if gas and coffee are items you purchase anyway, this is an easy way to save.

CardCash is currently offering a 6.8% discount on face value for Best Buy gift cards I mentioned at the beginning of this article. which is more than I saved. It pays to check back, especially right after the holidays when lots of people get gift cards they don’t want, but with unwanted gift cards arriving in birthday cards all year long, it pays to check frequently before any major purchase.

Before make your next purchase of anything, check CardCash to see if it can save you money – chances are it will. If you use any link from this article, as of February 2024, you’ll also get $5 free when you sign up for a CardCash account.

Image Credit: Some featured images on this site are stock images purchased from Depositphotos.


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